May is Stroke Awareness Month
Every 40 seconds someone has a stroke at any age, and every 4 minutes someone dies...
Every 40 seconds someone has a stroke at any age, and every 4 minutes someone dies...
Please help support my efforts for May -stroke awareness Month your 10$ or more will get your name on a brain decal on the truck and your donation goes a long way helping achieve our goal, for us and the National Stroke Association. there are so many affected by stroke as a leading killer to the #1 cause of disability, Survivors have a long struggle back tools, motivation and Inspiration are key advocation to laws and benefits, please use the link below to help us make a difference it all starts with one. Learn the signds of Stroke and Save a life, the Acynym is FAST Face Arm Speach Time to get help it is a race against TIME thats why we Support & to help achieve our goal.
Our goal is 250 by june and 250 by july to have 500 brain awareness stickers on the truck Please help make this a reality help support today get your spot and you may become a ultimate winner of the VIP ride drawing. Use any link below to Donate thru our store, gofundme, or PayPal The team' next 3 events for 2017 Sand Blast Rally, Entry, Results Susquehannock Trail Performance Rally (STPR)-June New England Forest Rally (NEFR)- July Empire State Performance Rally - October Qualified, Nat'l Entry ETown RacewayPark Rally Sprint The Challenge is to compete incertain events for 2017 Rally America Eastern Regional 2WD Championship 2017 NASA Rally Sport National 2WD Championship 2017 With the support of many flying their names to victory The Mission is to WIN! together we will make this happen. Raising Awareness! Survivors can accomplish anything. We all know someone that has fallen. Help show them they can get up. I am all in for this cause, it is not easy it's hard work and I have to do it, because I want to it helps me cope. and i am inspired by others to do so . We are not alone as A portion of our funds raised will be forwarded to National Stroke Association. Stroke is the 5th leading cause of death, a leading cause of disability among adults and it impacts more women each year than breast cancer. There are over 6.5 million stroke survivors in the U.S. National Stroke Association is committed to reducing the incidence and impact of stroke through prevention education, increased awareness and programs that benefit survivors and their caregivers. These efforts provide hope after stroke and allow survivors to come back strong! I was struck by a Stroke in my sleep a week after a routine Surgery. My life had come to a standstill, as things still moved on around me. At first because of the Brain Damage I did even understand there was anything wrong, I alerted no one around me and did not realize I was even injured. With full loss of felling on my left side, Loss of all left motor skills, and other affected body functions. I went 18 hours without being diagnosed of treated. I have used this format to get the word out, I was driving before I could walk, we are in videos, photo shoots, Newspapers, Social media, even on NBS Sport we publish to the net our video documentary’s about what we are doing, making a difference getting people motivated to do something inspiring and helping others helps yourself. Put a name on out truck you someone you know a loved one or company, show your support. And follow our #ComebackStrong tour for support brain injury from stroke and wounded veterans. Click link “Rally FAST 4 Stoke Awareness” |